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MMKG: Multi-Modal Knowledge Graphs (ESWC'19)

We present MMKG, a collection of three knowledge graphs that contain both numerical features and (links to) images for all entities as well as entity alignments between pairs of KGs. Therefore, multi-relational link prediction and entity matching communities can benefit from this resource. We believe this data set has the potential to facilitate the development of novel multi-modal learning approaches for knowledge graphs. [link]

Dianping Data Sets (TKDE'20, DMKD'19, RecSys'15, SIGIR'14)

We crawled data from a real social network-based recommender system called Dianping, which is a leading local restaurant search and review platform in China. The raw data contains information between April 2003 and November 2013. Based on it, we constructed several data sets for evaluating different recommendation tasks. [link]